interviewees too (cf. exploratory studies). On the other hand, interviews are
rather time-consuming both to set up and to conduct. Often, since they are
voice-recorded, participants may feel that there are certain answers that the
interviewers expect them to give (due to social desirability bias). Some partic¬
ipants may simply be too timid; therefore, the data collected may not be as rich
as previously anticipated and hoped for. Finally, for an in-depth analysis, in¬
terviews need to be transcribed verbatim, which is an extremely time-con¬
suming endeavor.
In order to find answers to the research questions of the present research
project, three closely related studies were carried out. Table 5 provides an
overview of the different stages, that is, the studies of this book, with the data
sources and methods of data analysis, and Table 6 provides a visual represen¬
tation of which study aims to find answers to which research question.
Table 5. An overview of data sources and data analysis
Study Data sources Methods of analysis
Study One | Interview sessions with 12 stu- | semi-structured interview study
dents in secondary education (content analysis)
Study Two | A questionnaire filled in by 325 statistical analysis
EFL students in secondary edu- | (descriptive and inferential sta¬
cation tistics)
Study A questionnaire filled in by 60 statistical analysis
Three EFL teachers in secondary edu- (descriptive and inferential sta¬
cation tistics)
Study One is an interview study that aimed to collect data on Hungarian
secondary school students’ EE interests by conducting semi-structured inter¬
views with Hungarian secondary school students from different high schools
in Hungary. Based on the findings of the interview sessions, in Study Two, a
large-scale questionnaire study was conducted with Hungarian secondary
school students to investigate the popularity and frequency of engagement in
EE activities as well as students’ perceptions of them. In the same questionnaire,
students’ L2 learning motivation and the closely related concepts (e.g., inter¬
cultural orientation), as well as L2 anxiety and L2 willingness to communicate,
were investigated.