KEY TO THE TASKS 33. Which of the underlined phrases is a binomial? A. Philip added coldly and clearly: ‘My approval was not asked.’ B. There’s neither rhyme nor reason in his behaviour. C. Have you heard any gossip or tittle-tattle on the subject? D. He has a son and a daughter. 34. Which of these sentences does NOT contain a binomial? A. Your money or your life. B. On Saturday and Sunday we are closed. C. We have hot and cold running water. D. He was tall and handsome. 35. Which of these binomials has been reversed? A. fish and chips B. poor but honest C. tall and handsome D. demand and supply 36. Which of these is a feature of binomials? A. The order of their constituents is fixed. B. They have a pragmatic function. C. They have idiotic meaning. D. They contain subordination. 37. Mark the statement which is FALSE. A. Binomials are multi-word units. B. The order of elements in a binomial cannot be reversed. C. Binomials have specific pragmatic functions. D. Most binomials are transparent. 38. Which of these sentences contains a trinomial? A. He bought cheese, eggs and milk. B. We searched high and low, but could not find her. C. Will you tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? D. Words, words, words. 39. Which of the following is a lexical phrase? A. you will excuse my asking B. in need of money C. living quarters D. signs of intimacy 40. Which of the following is a lexical phrase? A. to cut a long story short B. to kick the bucket C. to aid and abet crime D. to mount a rescue operation 41. Which of the following is NOT a lexical phrase? A. If you like to put it that way B. I am sorry to ask this C. he shifted his ground D. I can assure you that + 259 +