HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH TASK 12: IDENTIFY THE COLLOCATIONS, BINOMIALS, TRINOMIALS, IDIOMS AND OTHER KINDS OF PHRASES IN THIS TEXT. CODING: Bold: lexical phrases Italic: collocations Underlined: idiom/trinomial "You are not — you will excuse my asking — in actual need of money, Mr Leonides?’ "Income tax, as you know, is somewhat heavy, Chief-Inspector — but my income amply suffices for my needs — and for my wife’s. Moreover, my father frequently made us all very generous gifts, and had any emergency arisen, he would have come to the rescue immediately.’ Philip added coldly and clearly: ‘I can assure you that J had no financial reason for desiring my father’s death, Chief-Inspector.’ ‘Lam very sorry, Mr Leonides, if you think I suggested anything of the kind. But we have to get at all the facts. Now I’m afraid I must ask you some rather delicate questions. They refer to the relations between your father and his wife. Were they on happy terms together?’ ‘As far as I know, perfectly.’ "No quarrels?’ ‘I do not think so. ‘There was a — great disparity in age? ‘There was.’ ’Did you — excuse me — approve of your father’s second marriage.’ "My approval was not asked.’ That is not an answer, Mr Leonides. "Since you press the point, I will say that I considered the marriage unwise.’ ’Did you remonstrate with your father about it’ "When I heard of it, it was an accomplished fact. "Rather a shock to you — eh?’ Philip did not reply. "Was there any bad feeling about the matter?’ "My father was at perfect liberty to do as he pleased.’ "Your relations with Mrs Leonides have been amicable?’ "Perfectly.’ "You are on friendly terms with her?’ "We very seldom meet. Chief Inspector Taverner shifted his ground. + 254 +