Equivalent with | Similar, but part- No equivalent exactly the same ly different meaning in meaning Can be translated | Can be explained 1 | Too many cooks spoil the broth. 2 | The pot calls the kettle black. 3 | Imight as well talk “It’s like throwing to a brick wall. peas against a It is like water off brick wall” (as the a duck’s back. Hungarian saying goes). 4 | Out of the frying pan into the fire. 5 | He drinks like a fish. 6 Money talks. He who pays the piper calls the tune. 7 It is no use crying | “More was lost in over spilt milk. the Battle of Mohdcs” (as the Hungarian saying goes). 8 | He sticks to his guns. 9 |A leopard cannot | Old habits die change its spots. | hard. 10 | Weeds don’t spoil. 11 | I wouldn’t touch “I would not wipe him with a barge- my muddy boots in pole / a ten-foot him”, (as the Hunpole garian saying goes).