CHAPTER 1 PREVIEW: GRAMMATICAL DIFFERENCES TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCES. COMPARE THE USE OF THE DEFINITE ARTICLE IN HUNGARIAN AND ENGLISH. Time is money. Knowledge is power. Life is hard. The life of a farmer is hard. The town was founded at the time of the Hungarian Conquest. The fortress was built in Roman times. Milk is white, grass is green, roses are red, and violets are blue. The milkman put the milk on the doorstep. I drank red wine last night. The wine that I drank last night was red. The grass is too tall, I have to mow it. The water was cold. Why does grass grow and why does the lion roar? How DO YOU TRANSLATE OLYAN INTO ENGLISH? A diplomat is someone who can send you to hell in a way that will make you look forward to the journey. A fairy tale is a horror story that prepares children for reading the papers. Sin is an act that violates a moral principle. A crime is an act that breaks the law. COMPLETE AND TRANSLATE INTO HUNGARIAN. HOW MANY DEFINITE ARTICLES WILL THERE BE IN THE ENGLISH TEXT AND IN THE HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION? One definite article: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. PREVIEW: LEXICAL DIFFERENCES TRANSLATE THESE TWO SHORT TEXTS INTO ENGLISH. A. Why does the bull attack (charge) when it sees something red? (a red cloth/ rag/muleta/the colour red) As is well known, bullfighting is still very popular in Spain. Its fans (Aficionados) believe that anything red will irritate the bull and will provoke an attack. Therefore, the matador must swing (wave) a red cape in front of the bull to irritate it, while being careful (taking care) to avoid the bull’s charge/attack. The truth is that (As a matter of fact) he would achieve exactly the same result if he used a white, green or even black cape. The bull is colour blind. B. Fires A Birmingham firefighter was frying chips when he was called to a fire / when the alarm was raised. The brave man / He pushed aside the pan and rushed to do his duty. Soon he was called to another incident — his own home was on fire. He had forgotten to turn off the cooker. + 223 +