LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS IN ENGLISH-HUNGARIAN AND HUNGARIAN—ENGLISH TRANSLATION SL text the translator may neglect optional (and sometimes even obligatory) transfer operations: Helen is a great tennis player. —"Helen egy csodálatos teniszező. (Omission of egy in the translation is more or less obligatory.) The windows ofthe room look south. — (?) Az ablakai a szobának délre néznek. (Rearrangement is quasi-obligatory: even though this word order does occur in Hungarian possessive constructions, it is not appropriate here. The natural word order in most contexts would be a szoba ablakai.) 11.6.2 Some important transfer operations This section will not present all the different subcategories of transfer operations listed in Klaudy (1994). Grammatical transfer operations will be lumped together under the heading grammatical replacement, and only a few important types will be named. Lexical transfer operations will be treated in a similar way. The grammatical transfer operations exemplified here include change of word class, change of subject, replacing grammatical structures by lexical items and vice versa, and rearrangement (word order changes). The lexical transfer operations exemplified will be generalisation, specification, antonymic translation, use of loanword, loanword plus explanation, addition and omission, distribution and contraction. Compensation and adaptation, which can be either grammatical or lexical, will also be mentioned. GRAMMATICAL REPLACEMENT: CHANGE OF WORD CLASS Nagyon vigyáz arra, mit mond. Hes very careful about his words. (See Chapter 4.5) Ne add fel olyan könnyen! Dont be such a guitter. (See Chapter 4.5.2) Szerintem nem erre a megoldásra van szükség. I don’t think this is the right solution. Despite its unfortunate appearance on April Fool’s Day, the notice was a serious attempt to keep local people informed. Bár szerencsétlen módon éppen április elsején jelent meg, a közlemény komoly kísérlet volt a helyi lakosság tájékoztatására. s 201 "