Chapter 6 HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH GRAMMATICAL CONTRASTS: PRONOUNS AND ADVERBS ——o— 6.1 PRONOUNS There are many contrasts between English and Hungarian pronouns. Some of these can be regarded as divergent phenomena (one to two or more correspondences), such as the use of some and any, little and few, which and that, etc. Most of these contrasts will have been dealt with in earlier stages of the language learning career of the prospective users of this book, and need not be discussed here. However, since errors in the use of some English pronouns showing the continued influence of L1 pronoun use sporadically occur even at the advanced and proficiency stage, the Tasks in 6.5 will present some translation exercises aimed at recapitulation and awareness raising. Students are invited to identify the L1-L2 contrasts that may influence the acquisition and correct use of English pronouns and discuss them on the basis of these exercises. 6.2 ADVERBS AND ADVERBIALS One problem with adverbs that learners face is that some adjectives in English can be used as adverbs without the addition of a suffix: Fiatalok voltunk. — We were young. Fiatalon házasodtunk össze. — We married young. Későn érkezett. — He arrived late. Beszélj hangosan. — Speak out loud. Again, we have the problem of one to two/many correspondence, i.e. divergence, a potential source of error. Another problem is that Hungarian adverbs of manner often correspond to prepositional phrase postmodifiers in English: Meglepetten néztek ram. — They looked at me in surprise. Nehezen beszélt. — He spoke with difficulty. « 93 ¢