Germans by the swimming pool, anyone with ginger hair or a limp handshake,
Volvo drivers and Bacardi and coke drinkers are among those guaranteed to
attract contempt from British bigots.
So are owners of mobile phones or garden gnomes. American tourists, joggers,
people with close-set eyes, balding men with swept-over hair, and, strangely,
Company founder Mark Brown, who compiled the list as part of a training
course for managers, said we should try harder to stop pigeon-holing people.
“We do not want to turn everyone into wishy-washy liberals with no views
at all,” he added. “But we hope we can help people give others the benefit of the
doubt rather than the benefit of their prejudices.”
Flamboyant novelist Barbara Cartland said none of the pet hates on Sound
Thinking’s list bothered her, but she had plenty of her own.
“The thing I dislike more than anything is women who wear trousers. And I
hate jumpsuits,” she said.
TV personality Robert Kilroy-Silk hardly had to pause for thought when
asked about his pet hates: “People with anything hanging in their cars — fluffy
dice, boxing gloves or nodding dogs. They are dipsticks!”
Des O’Connor, himself the target of much bigotry, would not comment. But
his Press agent Clifford Elson groaned: “Oh dear here we go again, poor old Des.
It goes on and on but he’s certainly not a bigot himself.”
Az elhangzott szavak mély benyomást tettek rám. A bemutatott számadatok
semmit nem bizonyítanak. Küldöm a kért könyveket. Összesöpörte a törött
üveget. A vizsgált probléma a szervezéssel volt kapcsolatos. A kapott eredmé¬
nyeket az 1. táblázat mutatja. Vásároltam egy használt autót. Az alkalmazott
módszerek megfeleltek a kitűzött célnak. A leírt események elszomorították.
Megérkeztek a rendelt könyvek. Az elemzett tendenciák tovább folytatódnak.
Az említett nevek között ott volt az elnöké is. A megfigyelt jelenségek nem bi¬
zonyítják a hipotézist.
A számított átlagok hibásak. Az egész elképzelés ellentmond a kialakult tudo¬
mányos gondolkodásnak.
London talks — talks in London
Rome visit; wage demand; Iraq crisis; national security advisor; guerilla attack;
defence co-operation; security conference; high-quality articles; low-cost ma¬
terials; scientific research centre; Paris students
the area around Manchester — the Manchester area