HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH GRAMMATICAL CONTRASTS: THE NOUN PHRASE Learner’s definition of IMPORT’? 1a [count]: something that is imported: a product brought into a country to be sold there ¢ This car is an import from Italy. + They sell luxury imports from around the world. b [noncount]: the act of importing something: IMPORTATION s laws affecting the import of foreign goods s an import tax The difference between import and imports can also be studied in this sentence: Import means the import of goods from abroad by a legitimate way. Often, states in the interests of their companies establish restrictions for imports. Az import a külföldről származó áruk törvényes úton történő behozatalát jelenti. Gyakran előfordul, hogy az államok a vállalataik érdekében korlátozásokat vezetnek be az importra vonatkozóan. In the Hungarian translation the meaning of import is synonymous with importäläs, behozatal (‘importation’) in the first sentence. In the second, it is synonymous with importdlt druk (‘imported goods’). 5.3 THE ARTICLES — PREVIEW SUPPLY ARTICLES, WHERE NECESSARY: ___ Ships/ships of __ desert. ____ Camels/camels were domesticated more than 3,000 years ago, and to this day, humans depend on them for __ transport across___ arid environments. They can easily carry ___ extra 200 pounds (90 kilograms) while walking 20 miles (32 kilometers)___ day in__ harsh desert. ____ Camels/camels travel as fast as___ horses but can also endure ___ legendary periods of ___ time without ___ food or _ water. __ Humans have used ___ camels for their wool, milk, meat, leather, and even dung, which can be used for___ fuel. ___ D/dromedary camel, also known as __ Arabian camel, exists today only as __a domesticated animal. About 90 percent of ___ world’s camels are___ dromedaries. There are two types of ___ Bactrian camels: wild and domesticated. __ W/wild Bactrian camels are much trimmer, with smaller humps and less hair, than ____ domesticated Bactrian camels**. 3 https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/import Last accessed 14.12.2022. 33 https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/camel. Last accessed 05.12.2020. + 71°