Chapter 4 HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH GRAMMATICAL CONTRASTS: THE VERB PHRASE ——o— Chapters 4 top 6 are concerned with grammatical contrasts between Hungarian and English. Since prospective users of this book are supposed to be familiar with the most important grammatical contrasts between the two languages, these chapters focus on those contrasts that are likely to cause frequent errors or learning difficulty and those that may have been missed in the course of the students’ previous studies, but may play a role in written language use or translation. The mode of presentation is example-based, and lots of exercises are offered. Since the area where contrasts appear to influence learners most is L1-L2 (Hungarian-English) translation, translation exercises are dominant in this section. Chapter 4 is concerned with the verb and the verb phrase. Verbs in English and Hungarian differ in many respects: morphology (verbal inflections, prefixes and suffixes), obligatory complements, tense and aspect, use of auxiliaries, stativeand dynamic verbs, verbs vs. adjectives etc. Some ofthese contrasts will be dealt with (recapitulated) in this chapter. 4.1 CONTRASTS IN VERBS AND VERB PHRASES — PREVIEW Translate. A Pentagon több dokumentuma — köztük nehany titkos — egy texasi börtönben bukkant fel. Annak a 10 íróasztalnak a fiókjaiból kerültek elő az iratok, amelyeket az El Paso-i fegyházba szállítottak javításra. Ez nem az első ilyen eset az Egyesült Államokban, két éve például a külügyminisztérium aktáit találták meg Washington közelében, egy börtönben. Discuss: What’s wrong with these sentences? "I told my name. "Why didnt you greet? "I want to tell a few words about this. s 5] e