HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH 5. THE Top TEN Good English pronunciation does not depend on correct articulation alone: as described above, it also depends on lexical knowledge. One simply has to know how to pronounce certain words. Many Hungarian learners and speakers of English mispronounce the following words (“The Top Ten’). The reasons are manifold, including a general contrast between English and Hungarian spelling (in Hungarian, letter to sound correspondences are more stable than in English), the role of variable stress in English, false analogy, the influence of the Hungarian pronunciation of international words, etc. CHECK if you pronounce these words correctly, and DISCUSS the possible reasons behind the common pronunciation mistakes committed by many Hungarian learners of English. The Top Ten or so Mispronounced Words analyse /‘enolaiz/ analysis /o'nalısıs/ adjective ['aedziktrv] adjectival [ ,zed31k 'tarval] vowel /vaval, va:al/ determine /dr’t3:min/ determination /dı t3:mı’neıfn/ examine /Ig zæmin/ examination /1g,zæmi nerfn/ recognize / rekognaiz/ represent / repri zent/ vary /‘veort/ variable /'veorıobl/ variability /veorto bilott/ variety /voTraıstı/ various /'vearos/ comfortable /kamf(e)tabt/ vegetable /ved3tobl/ because /br kDz/ 6. THE PRONUNCIATION OF LONG WORDS The pronunciation of long words, especially those of Latin origin, may also cause problems. Many of them are international words occurring in Hungarian, too, and the Hungarian pronunciation of the word taken together with uncertainty about stress placement in their English counterparts may easily mislead the learner. Here is a list to check and practise. + 48 +