HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH the mother tongue and L2 learners will not be able to achieve the grammatical awareness they need. According to this position, the translation of Hungarian sentences into a foreign language raises awareness of the differences between the two languages and this is the best measure of a learner’s language skills. In translation education, it is obvious that knowledge of the contrasts between source language and target language is important and useful. In the translator’s mental lexicon (ML) there are strong links between the words of the two languages, therefore metalinguistic awareness and efficient self-monitoring, enabling translators to recognize and resist possible interference, are indispensable components of a translator’s competence (Heltai 2010). For trainee teachers it is important to be aware of L1—-L2 contrasts, since knowing to what extent the mother tongue impacts the acquisition of various elements of a second or foreign language may help them identify and understand the learners’ difficulties that may be due to LI—L2 contrasts. 1.5 TASKS 1. List typical Hungarian mistakes in English pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, phraseology and pragmatics. 2. SEARCH THE INTERNET: a. What does Hunglish, Spanglish, Germish, Denglis(c)h and Franglais mean? b. Give a presentation on typical mistakes made by speakers of any of these languages. c. Give a presentation of the features of Singlish. 3. FIND typical Hunglish interference errors in this extract from Andras Hajós" Hello, tourist? Hello tourist du bist in Budapest, capitol of Hungary For a little money I will show you this beautiful city Tam a student Tam" 23 I study sociology on the very famous Eötvös Lóránd science university Hello tourist on the right side, Hello tourist on the left side ... 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-d7H3VEyIBH8. Last accessed 20.11.2020. * Sic! s 24 e