"SYxoJI7-HÜÚH TYXAÜ OÜJITOJIT YPAH 30XHOJIJI AYPCIIITACIH ACYYHAIA HBI 3pTHJ9C YIIaMKIIATIa>K HPC9H 3aH YÜITIH yTra Hor IOM. 9H3 Hb JI39p IYpOCaH Hac GaparCJBIH 91 XOpJrCIJIHŰT 3BJI3X JOM VŰJJUJIO9r Oalicantali Waal yrra caHaa Hb Taapu Gyű Oereey XapHH Yi 19x 3aH YJ Hb €KHJDCTJH, INAIIHBI YyY/IH39Cc 600p CaïñHa. 3. JHJ33c xapaxaJn BYpXHBI IaııımH 601104 McıraM MIalııHbI YXJIMÜH TyXali eEPoHXHH GapnMTrax ron ÿ391 GapAMTIAIN HKUI TOCTHA Geree] Maaı TyH yTra Hb HITIH caHaar HIJIDPXHÜJUDK CaHa. XapHH HJIDOJX ABL COTEOZ YÂATIAPX 3AH VII Hb JI 30BX0H oep Oaliraa HB xaparılark GaliHa. IH3 Hb HJ9pX XOCDP IMAHNIHBI JHJPJHTYÚH Y3JIHŰH Y30l CaHaa Hb Haaryypaa HOT WKH caHaar HOMJIOXK OyH Hb Xaparııak Galiraa IOM. Resume The Concept of “Death” in Buddhism and Islam — Analysis of the Stories included in Menge written by D. Tsendjaw and 7896 written by Abai Kunanbaev. The paper discusses the approach of Buddhism and Islam to the concept of “death”. This concept is explained both in Mongolian and Kazakh literature, especially in Menge (“Birthmark”) written by D. Tsendjaw after the Mongolian peoples’s revolution, and 1896 written by Abai Kunanbaev in the 19" century. Menge communicates the Mongolian Buddhist concept of rebirth to the world including the Mongolian custom of marking the deceased one in his body, who will have than be born by a birthmark on the same part of his body after rebirth. However, there is not any word about rebirth in Islamic literature, which confirms the approach of Buddhism. There is rebirth in Buddhism, but not in Islam. However, the general approach of the two religions to death is quite similar in spite of the difference in the existence and non-existence of rebirth. According to Islam, people should be in aware of their death in every moment of life. If a person forgets about it he will be greedy and desirous living only for wealth and well being in this life. It will be difficult for him to separate from the wordly items at the moment of his death, and will start to commit sins. The concept of Buddhism is very similar to it: the dom ritual aims to separate a person and his secular properties. As conclusion, we can state that although the concept of the two religions about death is similar, its manifestation and practices are different. The reason of the similarly is the merciful and sympathetic views existing in both Buddhism and Islam. However, the process of expression and method of actions differ. Hom 3yù Aoat cypeaaib ye. Opu. Harzapcypon, M. VraanGaarap 2015. Bupa, UL.: Tonespuzm 6a Moneonuyyo. VraanGaarap 2011. Kyrngp, U.: Monzo10 heodaruzm mozmox yeuün Huüe3M-ync mep 2yH YxaaHb1 CM231233. YnaaHOaatap 1987. Kypan Kkepim. AxOus cypecu, 21/35: Anu-l'umpax cypecu, 3/185: l'aHkaGyT cypecu, 29/57. 305