TUNING WESTERN AND EASTERN Music BY G. BIRWAA AND B. MÖNKHBOLD Due to the control on Buddhist faith and devotion during the socialist period, religious rites and art have faded and became forgotten. However, after the democratic changes in 1990, religious faith and devotion became widely popular again, and temples and monasteries began to operate again. It was the opportunity for religious music to be created. The first pieces of work ofthat period were the symphony Damdinchoijilin dorom (Tib. Dam can chos rgyal gyi gtor ma),”’ and the melody Reciting mantra 10000 times** by G. Birwaa, the laureate of state prize, the merited worker of Mongolian art. The former was first played at the music festival Golden autumn and the latter at the performance dedicated to his works in 1998. 4 = —A An VERE Verse = ws B: => ES SEE SIRET PRES 27 Birwaa. G.: Ekh oron gedeg …, 120-121: At the monastery of Lamiin Gegeen, there is Damdinchoijil dorom at the end of the religious ritual. On 29" of the last month of winter, there organized Dorom with over 70 Tsam figure dedicated to Damdinchoijil, the king of Death... with large horn cow head and wearing dark blue costume, Damdinchoijil appears by slowly and gracefully moving which attracts the audience. His grace and movement allow guessing whether next year there would be precipitation or drought, whether people would have illness and suffering, or it would be peaceful. The one having desire to perform Damdinchoijil was not allowed. And for last 20 years Yondon doorombo had performed it, but he was arrested during repression years. The costume for Damdinchoijil is done with great deal of mastery by decorating with 9 precious gems and was only dedicated to wear during Dorom activity. For example, it is skillful craft including ruby on head of Choijil, 9 gems inlaid, and 2 horns were made by copying the sutra Yamarands 100,000 times, after that all copies were joined by gluing. Dorom is for eliminating any hardship or suffering of the people of Gegeen during the year by burning Sor and eliminating any obstacle for next year. After Damdinchoijil’s magnificent movement, there is always the dance of 21 Taras with smooth and speedy rhythm as if leaping by steppe gazelle, as if grace and beauty of mountain deer and as if cheerful galloping by wild horses of Gobi. In other words, it is Zsam leaping (dancing) starting with slow rhythm and gradually speeding up the rhythm, therefore, parishes came to see it no matter whether it is cold. 8 Yiindenbat, S.: Lamiin Gegeenii shawiin tüükh, 142: Starting from 16" of the middle month of autumn for 3-5 days, many people gathered, and they altogether recite mantras 10000 times, and first nuns begin reciting, and then many monks as /owon joined that activity of reciting and it is, as if a thousand people choir, echoes of which trembled the temple. 285