OCR Output


century; the Tanjur version of 1748 (T)’ and the Buryats’ retranslation in the 19"
century (B), etc.

The Dunhuang fragment B121: 40 (Dh) corresponds to the text from the 3" line
of stanza 107 to the 1" line of stanza 108 of the 8" chapter of the early Mongolian
version of the Bodhicaryavatara. Although only a few words survived from the
Dunhuang version, a comparison of our text with the corresponding lines in the
above-mentioned documents revealed that it is much closer to the New Delhi manu¬
script than to the Tanjur version, corresponding to the former almost word for word
and line for line, only except of one word.

Dh page line text
nayur-tur yalayud metii: dayus[qal/qari]
ügei tamu-tur ber oroyu:
amitan oyoyata tonilbasu [///]

L6 page line text

40a 29 -iyen bisilyabasu: busud-un jobalang
30 amurliqui tayalar-un: linqu-a-tu
31 nayur-tur yalayud metü: dayusqal
32 ügei tamu-tur ber oroyu:
33 amitan-i oyoyata tonilyaysan-iyar:
34 dalai metü bayasqulang jiryalang:

T page line text

34b 31 bisilyabasu: busud-un jobalang amurliqu-yi
35a 1 tayalarun: lingqu-a-tu nayur-tur
2 yalayud metü: dayusgar-i ügei tamu-dur
3 ber oroyu % amitan-i oyoyata tonilyaysan
4 -iyar: dalai metti bayasqayulqui < : > jiryalang:

This fact seems to confirm the common origin of the printed fragment from Dun¬
huang and the possible sourcebook of the New Delhi manuscript, that is to say,
the date of the Dunhuang fragment should be earlier than that of the New Delhi
manuscript. The manuscript in New Delhi consists of 56 folios or 112 pages, bearing

7 Ligeti, Lajos (ed.): Santideva. A megvildgosodas titja. Bodhicaryavatara, Chos-kyi ’od-zer forditasa.

(Mongol Nyelvemléktär VIT) Budapest, 1966; de Rachewiltz, Igor: The Mongolian Tanjur Version
of the Bodhicaryavatara. Edited and Transcribed, with a Word-Index and a Photo-Reproduction
of the Original Text (1748). (Asiatische Forschungen 129) Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden: 1996,
XX + 231, 52pl; Kara, George: Rev. of The Mongolian Tanjur Version of the Bodhicaryavatara, by
Igor de Rachewiltz. Journal of the American Oriental Society 117, 4 (1997), 704-706; De Jong, Jan
Willem: Rev. of The Mongolian Tanjur Version of the Bodhicaryavatara, by Igor de Rachewiltz. Indo¬
Iranian Journal 41 (1998), 192-195; Weller, Friedrich: Uber den Quellenbezug eines mongolischen
Tanjurtextes. Abh. d. Sachs. Ak. d. Wiss. Zu Leipzig. Berlin 1950. Anhang: Tibetischer Text des
Bodhicaryavatara, 1-114.

8 Cleaves, Francis Woodman: The Bodistw-a Cari-a Awatar-un Tayilbur...