IIIAMHH INYTJIATHŰH 9PX 3YŰH 30XHIIYYJIAJIT (1921-1928 on) 1921. Even though the religious freedom was introduced and recognized in the first Constitution of 1924, there are clauses that contained discriminations. The regulation of "Separating Political and Religious Affairs in the Country" was adopted in 1926, which regulated the relations related to religion, monasteries, and monks. In other words, this was the first legal act which separated state affairs from religion. This regulation can be considered as the first legal act that regulated religious affairs and relations which met special conditions, political, educational and cultural needs of the new era. The legal act was the first step to further regulate the state and religious affairs according to the modern needs of the 20" century and has the historical and methodological importance even for the present. Hom 3yù APXHBbIH BAPUMT MYYTA, YTHOHBBTA, X-4, I-1, XH-4. MYYTA, YTHOHBTBA, X-4, JI-1, XH-1. MYYTA, X-3, JI-1, XH-126. MYYTA, YTHOHBBTA, X-4, I-1, XH-474. MYYTA, VTHOHBBTA, X-4, JI-1, XH-446. MYYTA, X-1, J-1, XH-170. MYYTA, X-1, J-1, XH-12. MYYTA, X-284, JL-1, XH-90. Hom BYT931 Apovın saceaac 1921-1924 onyydad ascan xyebceanm apea x3aMMca3Hyyd. YııaaHGaarap 1954. BHMAY-win myyx. T'yrraap Gore. Hox muxs ye. VraanGaarap 1969. bonxGaarap, XK. — JIsnrspmaa, b.: bora xaanbi 9px X9M2K99r XA3raapsiacaH Tyxalt acyynann. Boed xaanvdı amvdpan, ee. IMx. Jixarpacyp9u, I. Hap. “but mpecc” XXK, YnaanOaatap 2017. x. 17-21. Janmms8sr, B.: MAXH-aac wapein wawux, myyruü yno3aednuün 3cp32 asyyncan momyjuün 3apuM acyyoan. YIICbIH XOBIJIJJIHŰÚH ra3ap, YraanGaarap 1976. JKaJaH-AaxxaB, C.: ApÓviH xyevceajim mepuün xyynb Mo2moox yün ascunnaeaanbı ynocan uuenan (1921-1940). YıcbBIH X9B13IMÜH XIPAT IPXII3X X0PO0o, YıraaHGaarap 1967. Kamdan, A.: Moneon ync daxb wawun wymn3aeuün 3px 3yün soxuyyynanm (12061936 on). Axmou X5B7oHHÂH ra3ap, YraanGaarap 2012. JIyaunauaopx, H.: Tep, apxsyün came3an239HuÜ xeencnuün uue xandnaea. YııaaHGaarap 2002. MAXH ux, 6aza xypan, Tee Xopoonel 6y20 xypiyyOblH moemoon, wuü0e3p, H320y233p 038m3p. YIICBIH XIBA3NMÄH YAHABSP, YraanGaarap 1956. MAXH-vın V ux xypnoin Oaneapaneyü moemoon. YnaaHbaarap 1926. 67