BVPTAAH T9M X9M99XHÜH VUUP Resume The Reason of the Term “Six Faults” (Tib. skyon drug). According to a common concept this term is used for religious music or “Music treatise”. It is related to religious rituals and is composed by a religious person. Actually, earlier the leading institution was religion just like democracy and parliament are nowadays. However, it doesn’t mean that this term is used only for religious music, but also for the theory of music, and its nature are explained systemically. It is doubtless that most of its content is related to music even though some parts have the religious and symbolic explanations. The main reason is its explanation. Therefore, the article compares the concept of the six faults in method, experiments, practice and advices modern singing art. Hom 3yù Aman ynamacnanm 6o10H Ouueuün Xe2CcMuün Xapuruyan wymony2s. Ynaau6aarap 2007. Avoyi, C. — JlaBaaxyy, JI.: Caüun Oypoın naüpar dyyudad mycramac. VraanGaarap 1975. Baıpaa, ’K.: Hx Oyyunvı apua. YnaanOaatap 2005. Bann, Jl.: Iyynax apea syü I. Ynaan6aarap 2012. Jamamaa, JI.: Iyynax yp syü Il. Ynaan6aarap 2018. JopxaspoM, Jl.: Iyyuodao eeox 308101200. YııaaHnbaarap 1969. HopxnapaM, /I. — l'axremep, .: /Iyy xoonoün 5pyyn Mon0 Oyynax yprae. VraaxGaarap 2005. Moneon apdbin yhÔscHuü coënvm 3am catrYyn 6. 1936. Haïñnarmaa, M.: /1yyrax apdam, Oyynax ypraeuün 2apvin aenaea. VnaanGaarap 2014. Ilyp3Bıopx, Il.: Iyynax yp Oyü. Yıaan6aarap 2003. Teampvın wyymac cyOnan amxamean (1935-1950). Yraau6aartap 2008. XoeAcmuün wacmup capyyn olyHmHoI c3meanuüe Oynaaeu Yüncuüe 0200mod mye339eu. Op4. l'axremep, C. VraanGaarap 2014. Lsson, .: Moneon xonnuü moeu maüroap more. VraanGaarap 2013. IHx6a3ap, P.: Xocsıcum manoı amoopand. YıaaHnbaarap 1984. IH3Ö6HIN, IK.: Moneonoin xeencum cyOnanoın 033%c Ouuue. Ynaau6aarap 2008. MHTEPH5T Ngag dbang Kun dga’ bsod nams: Rig pa’i gnas Inga las bzo rig pa’i rol mo’i bstan bcos kyi rnam par bshad pa ‘jam dbyangs bla ma dges pa’i snyan pa’i sgra dbyangs blo gsal yid ‘phrog phrin las yongs khyab ces bya ba bzhugs so [ArsaaHryHraacoyqHoM: XeMKMUMH WacTHpbIH Tad10ap — XETKMAAH IACTHP CaPyVII OIOYHTHBI COTTANHAT OyJaara YAJICHAT OTOOTOJ TYT92r4]. https://archive.org/details/bdre-W10321/mode/lup (20.02.2020). 51