Lusos BELKA Fig. 7. Stupa Consecration Ceremony, Gandantegchinling Monastery, Ulaanbaatar, 9 July 1958. A table with offerings below a canvas roof. Photographed by Lumir Jisl, inventory no. 0485. This photograph was published only in the English and German version of Jisl’s book (see his Mongolian Journey and Mongolei. Kunst und Tradition, 1960, Fig. 130). Fig. 8. Stupa Consecration Ceremony, Gandantegchinling Monastery, Ulaanbaatar, 9° July 1958. Jisl’s text on the file card of his archive: “Altar offerings — food for gods (grain and rice in glass containers). Photographed by Emanuel Vléek, inventory no. 0817. This photograph was published for the first time in: Bëlka Luboë: Ceskoslovenské studium buddhismu v padesätÿch a Sedesatych letech 20. stoleti: Bädäni v Asii [Czechoslovak Academic Study of Buddhism in the 1950s and 1960s: Field Research in Asia]. In: Keéka, Roman — Benickä, Jana (eds.): Medzi vychodom a zapadom: Multikulturne procesy, migracia a ndbozenstvo v strednej Europe. Chronos, Bratislava 2014, Fig. 8, p. 108.