ZSUZSA MAJER » Cogjü Jalwa /jalba (named after the beginning of the text, Tib. phyogs bcu( ii) rgyal ba, the full title is: Tib. thog mtha’ bar gyi smon lam), ‘The victorious one of of the ten directions’ or ‘Prayer from beginning to end’, composed by Tsongkhapa. Manal, Tib. sman bla, ‘Medicine Buddha’ / ‘the Medicine Buddha [sitra]’. It is recited ,,to promote health, and to remove illnesses”. Jadamba, Tib. brgyad stong pa / brgyad stong pa’i gzungs, Part of the Sundui collection. ‘(Dharani of the) Eight thousand verses (of Prajnäpäramitä)’. It is chanted ,,for virtue in the next rebirths, for attaining our aims, for spreding virtues and good fortune, and to promote intelligence and wisdom”. Sanduin jüd, Tib. gsang ‘dus rgyud, Guhyasamaja tantra Dorj jodow / Dorjjodow, Tib. rdo rje gcod pa / Tib. ‘phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo, Arya badzra tsatshe da ka pradznya pa ra mi ta na ma ma ha ya na sii tra, by Mi pham zla ba, “Diamond(-cutter) sütra’ / “The mahäyäna sütra entitled the noble Prajhaparamita Diamond(-cutter) sütra’. Its recitation is recommended ,,to remove bad dreams and omens, and for gathering virtues for the next rebirths”. Altangerel, Tib. gser ‘od, Arya su bréa pra bha sad ta, Tib. ‘phags pa gser ‘od dam pa’i mdo, title of the short version: Tib. ‘phags pa gser ‘od dam pa’i bsdus, ‘Golden Light’ / ‘The noble sacred Golden Light sütra’ / Translation of the title of short version: “The abbridged noble sacred Golden Light [sütra]’. The text is recited „to increase wealth ofthe individuals or families, to secure prosperity and to gather merits, and also as a protection against sudden dangers”. Ganjür, Tib. bka’ ‘gyur leygen, Kanjur (The collected Words of Buddha). It is recited “to gather virtues in the present life and for better later rebirths”. 364