ZSUZSA MAJER sgrol ma’i ‘chi ba bslu, ‘Saving one from death by paying ransom / deceiving death by praying to Tara’. The recitation of this texts is recommended ,,for quickly recovering from illnesses and to get saved from death by getting obstacles ceared away. Against all kinds of evil spirits”. Manalin Ciwel, Tib. sman bla’i ‘chi ba bslu, ‘Saving one from death by paying ransom / deceiving death by praying to the Medicine Buddha’. Its recitation is recommended ,,for sick people”. Sanjidin Ciwel / Sanjidmolomin Ciwel, Tib. bzang spyod (smon lam gyi) ‘chi ba bslu, ‘Saving one from death by paying ransom / deceiving death with the Prayer of good actions’. It is recited ,,to clear away all kinds of obstacles and for those harmed by different demons (ad, don)”. “ the Manal (Tib. sman bla), ritual of the Medicine Buddha » Litijin (Biyein 6glég in Mongolian translation of the Tibetan term) (Tib. dus sbyin / lus kyis mchod sbyin), ‘body-offering (ritual)’, a Tantric body offering ritual, typical for Red Sect tradition, used in Jod (Tib. gcod) practices. The text when recited ,,saves from all kinds of bad things and from demons and bad spirits (ad, bug, cotgor, jetger) and from the contaminations of death. It is a protection for families by clearing away all obscurations and impurities, and problems and obstacles caused by gossips, and curses. For health in the family. Also recited for the future merits of the deceased. For the fullfillment of one’s aims and work". In several temples it is also found under the name Ongérsén xiini xoitin Liiijin, Tib. Jus sbyin, ‘Body offering ritual for the future (rebirth) of the deceased’. This is recited ,,for the deceased”. — There are also rites helping detachment from the living ones, helping detachment from material objects and this life, for example as described by Humphrey”. However, there seem not to be any special text for this. — Aconnected ritual type is the Sür / Casür / Siir tawiulax (Tib. gsur /tsha gsur, long title: Tib. tsha gsur gtong tshul bzhugs so), ‘Burnt offering’ / long title: ‘the method of performing burnt offering’, a remedy including the burning of tsampa (barley flour) and sacred substances with a meditation on Avalokitesvara to comfort the evil spirits by its good smell. It is performed for the deceased and those in the intermediate state, who are believed to feed upon smell. If performed regularly it clears away all obstacles. This text is read during the nights by the so called night guard lama on duty. The text should be recited within 49 days after the death. A name variation is Janraisegin siir, Tib. spyan ras gzigs(gyi) gsur, ‘Burnt offering performed to Avalokitesvara’. — There are also various short prayers recommended as after-death recitations to enhance the chances of a better rebirth: « Bard soldiw / Bardo soldiw (Tib. bar do’i gsol ‘debs / full title: Tib. bar do’i ‘phrang sgrol gyi gsol ‘debs ‘jigs sgrol gyi dpa’ po, ‘Prayer of the intermediate ® Humphrey, Caroline: Rituals of Death. 362