T. BULGAN The photo sited here is the Marvellous Soyombo midra that manifests as the Union of E WAM or Bliss and Emptiness as well as Method and Wisdom for Enlightenment and Ultimate Development of Universe and Humanity by Ugalds Lama’s works related to the Soyombo script by Dsanabadsar. It means that the soyombo has contains philosophical identities as inner, outside and secret meanings and as respected as sacred symbol of Mongolian nations in particular up to now. Dsanabadsar and his followers scholarly works a most wonderful and noble service of National import ... and they inspired Mongolians of past generation... * Bibliography ArBaaH1opx (buusou Lopx): CoëMGBIH yTrbir TOBY OTYYJIC3H. ArsBaanxafıyB: Aducmaduün 0330ule xaupnazuuün ye ymevıe caumap moopyynazu (Maau Gaams-rnñn Marax yrra). Opayynara JI. Xaxxunmaa. baJinaH XaxKOJUIHH, VraaxGaarap 2006. T'yHT3H r9r33H Jam6nfnoHm3: Maanuün eynseuü Oymaanuün apebın maündap — I'yn y39203n x3M33x opweoü (Maaun Ganmarnin Maraı yrra). Opuyynaru JI. XakuMaa. bannan xaxomiux, VraanGaarap 2006. BornncaiixaH, B. HapbIH: Co&m6pın nyyy 6a cunepzemux. YnaaH6aarap 2007. Bynar, Bo.: Co&m6o ycruuH Tyxan. In: Moneon cyOnanoın H3emapxuü monp. OBep Moro 2006. Byxrax, T.: byodvin dunocodbuün Oaemap. VnaanGaarap 2010. BamGaa, P.: /lyecancodoexcamy aezpamôbin 6ymosonuün smxomesr. Moron Gurur uyspan. Yııaanbaarap 2007. Jaaxas, JI.: Anman coEm6o apea 6uneutn yxaan. YnaanOaatap 1996. Jasrazapxaa 3yyrnäx am: Coém6o 3040u X2M99X MOHEON YCeuüH MuÜH a2YYAAN, yaamore y3axyu Mawuo YydeaaH 3VYH YCoemuün 9px baanaz opweoü. Javaaacypou, IL: CoëmGo yesr In: ÆHunacnsx yxaan comeyyn. VraanGaarap 1944. Ham-Ennon, B. - Monx6aarap, JL: Coëm6o cynd moneon yxaan. YnaanGaatap 2015. 3aHaGasap: Lazuüe moxunyynax sanbupan opuweoü. (3OXUONIBIH IMXITTIIN) 3aHa6asap: Maanule 6ym33x eyn apea opueoü. (30XMONIBIH 3MX3TT 9) Hopkins, Jeffrey: Meditation on Emptiness. Boston 1996. JIyscaHco1og »kamıı (Hofnop:k, YralızbıH am): Yig bshad gsal ba’i me long zhes bya ba bzhug so, Swa yam bhu jyo ti’i yig shad e wam phyag rgya rnam gsal; Swa yam bhu jyo ti’i phyag rgyar gsol ‘debs kyi sgo nas zab lam bla ma’i rnal ‘byor bsgom par dod pa, E wam phyag rgya bzens tsul gyi bri’e; Byang chub lam gyi rim pa’i nyams len tsigs chad ma ngos drub dgu gjed; mdo dzans blun nas gsungs pa’i sgnong byung rnams len dang sbyar ba blang blang dor gsal ba’i blo gro’i neg byed zhes * B. Bomycaitxan Happin: Coém6oim nyyy 6a cunepeemux. YnaanOaarap 2007. 56