REFLECTIONS ON THE PHILOSOPHICAL VIEWS AND WorkKS BY Two MONGOLIAN BUDDHIST THINKERS kind in particular. Soyombo script was developed by the First Bogd Jebtsundamba, Ondér Gegeen Dsanabadsar. The meaning of the Soyombo is given in the text titled “The Ornament of Dsanabadsar’s Mind: Exposition of Meaning of Soyombo Script” as follows: “This new Mongol script followed ancient Indian Lantsa script, thus, it has blessing power over one’s mind, for showing its blessing power, the script was named Svayambhu jyoti in Indian language (Sanskrit) and rang jung nang ba in Tibetan. In Mongolian it is translated as Self-Manifested Light (Khal.: Örö garsan gege). Öndör Gegeen [Dsanabadsar] developed this script at his age of fifty-three (1686). At the end of the Soyombo script alphabet is a symbolic depiction of gem on the lotus. This symbolic depiction demonstrates that the benefit of all sentient beings will be fulfilled like gem if one practices great compassion on the base of three trainings of white lotus.” There are two letters — E and Wam which accompanies the first letter of Soyombo script symbolises method and wisdom. E script symbolises wisdom and space element, while Wam script symbolises Sun, Moon and Rahu. Soyombo script symbolises external world-the world and internal world-the human body. Secondly, I pay homage to Lubsanjamts agramba (Ugaldsiin Lam, 1878-1961) who was one of the Mongolian Buddhist Philosophers in the middle of the 20" century. Lubsanjamts agramba, known as Mongolian lama of the Ugalds mountain (Khal. Ugalj tl), was born in the family of Choijaw in the Chin Wang banner of the Tüsheet Khaan aimag (Khal. TiuiSét xan aimag), in the area of the present day Saikhan (Khal. Saixan) district of Bulgan aimag of Mongolia in the fire dog year of the 15" cycle (Khal. rabjung), 1878. He started the way of education and knowledge under the great influence of his uncle Agwaan xamba who was one of the learned scholars of Dashchoimbel datsan (a well known Buddhist philosophical monastic university) in Ikh Khiiree (Khal. Ix xtiré). Among his works, the below mentioned works are respected to commentaries and delibiration works dedicated to the Dsanabadsar spiritual heritage in the new generation and new century of 20" as “Yig bshad gsal ba’i me long zhes bya ba bzhug so”, "Swa yam bhu jyo ti’i yig shad e-wam phyag rgya rnam gsal”, "Swa yam bhu jyo ti’i phyag reyar gsol ‘debs kyi sgo nas zab lam bla ma i rnal ‘'byor bsgom par dodpa”, “E wam phyag rgya bzens tsul gyi bri’e and so on." BamoOaa, P.: /Iyecaucodoeacamy aepamovin 6bymaaautin auxomeaa. Mouron Our yBpan. Yıaan6aarap 2007. Jamnunucyp>H, I.: Co&m6o ycar. Wunaiciax yxaan comeyyn. VaaanGaatap 1944; Xypor6aarap, JL.: Ozmopeyün yaeaan 2apbd. VraanGaarap 1998. 55