OCR Output

252 PAL Géza BALOGH — Luca KaszAs — REBEKA MÁRTA Kiss

The construction itself is a learning process about vernacular architecture as a local
form of ecological architectural practice. Several of our local members have
subsequently started to renovate their own houses using adobe techniques, drawing
on the experience they gained during their time volunteering in the country cottage.
But renovation also has other important functions, which we discovered in the
meantime. We made them a conscious practice through practical action. It has
become one of the most important and visible manifestations of the team in the
wider village community. The renovations always take place with the gates open.
Anyone can come in and have a look around, and we always make a conscious
effort to designate someone to talk to visitors. On the other hand, it is also the
main place for recruiting external volunteers. It is the best time to get to know the
style and dynamics of our team and decide whether someone wants to work with
us on a permanent basis. Many team members have already joined our community
in this way. Thirdly, physical work together is a community development tool with
an underestimated impact. The sense of physical creation brings people together,
but it also inevitably raises differences and conflicts, which are a challenge to
resolve, but also foster a sense of belonging when successful.