OCR Output


Europe O. Comission. 2000. European landscape convention. Report and Convention.

Fernändez-Llamazares, Älvaro — Diaz-Reviriego, Isabel - Luz, Ana Catrina — Cabeza,
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Fischer, Joern — Hartel, Tibor - Kuemmerle, Tobias 2012. “Conservation policy in
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Forejt, Michal — Skalos, Jan —Pereponova, Anna — Plieninger, Tobias — Vojta, Jaroslav —
Santrüékovä, Markéta 2017. “Changes and continuity of wood-pastures in the
lowland landscape in Czechia”. Applied Geography, 79: 235-244.

Foster, David — Swanson, Frederick — Aber, John — Burke, Ingrid — Brokaw, Nicholas —
Tilman, David - Knapp, Alan 2003. “The importance of land-use legacies to ecology
and conservation”. A/BS Bulletin, 53: 77-88.

Halada, Lubos — Evans, Doug — Romäo, Carlos — Petersen, Jan-Erik 2011. “Which
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Hartel, Tibor — Plieninger, Thomas (eds.) 2014. European wood-pastures in transition.
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Heckenberger, Michael — Kuikuro, Afukaka — Kuikuro, Urissapa Tabata —
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Heikkinen, Hannu I. — Sarkki, Simo — Nuttall, Mark 2012. “Users or producers of
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Hernändez-Morcillo, Mönica — Hoberg, Janis — Oteros-Rozas, Elisa — Plieninger, Tobias
— Gomez-Baggethun, Erik — Reyes-Garcia, Victoria 2014. “Traditional ecological
knowledge in Europe: status quo and insights for the environmental policy agenda”.
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 56: 3-17.

Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin — Stoll-Kleemann, Susanne 2011. “Opportunities and
barriers in the implementation of protected area management: a qualitative meta¬
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Hoppal, Mihaly 1982. Népi természetismeret [Traditional knowledge of nature]. In
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Hunn, Eugene — Johnson, Darryll — Russell, Priscilla — Thornton, Thomas 2003. “Huna
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a ‘wilderness’ park”. Current Anthropology, 44: 79-103.

Huntington, Henry P. 2000. “Using traditional ecological knowledge in science: methods
and applications”. Ecological applications, 10: 1270-1274.

Ianni, Elena - Geneletti, Davide - Ciolli, Marco 2015. ,,Revitalizing traditional ecological
knowledge: A study in an alpine rural community”. Environmental Management, 56:

Ivascu, Cosmin Marius — Rakosy, Laszlo 2017. Biocultural adaptations and traditional
ecological knowledge in a historical village from Maramures land, Romania. In Roué,
Marie — Molnar, Zsolt (eds.): Knowing our Lands and Resources: Indigenous and Local
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