OCR Output


1. This is mainly effective in non-democratic countries: the population is not
informed of the development until they no longer have a chance to change
it. Those concerned may feel they are victims of injustice, with decisions being
taken over their heads. Conflicts might start which drag on for many years,
but neither party will obtain any benefits, so eventually there are no “winners”.

2. Another method is compensation: the developer compensates the settlement,
region or country while loudly voicing the economic usefulness of the
development (higher tax revenues, creation of jobs, innovations, subcontracting
possibilities, etc.). The expected profit overrides the obviously negative impacts.

3. Under the third scenario, the developer and decision-makers collaborate with
the local population and local and national NGOs to create alternative plans,
optional sites, alternative methods of production or operation and clean — or
at least cleaner — technology. In such cases, partnership, publicity and constant
communication are effective and, as a result of the collective work, trust can
be generated among all affected parties and solutions can be born which
reassure everyone (Szanté 2008).

Recommended readings

Homer-Dixon, Thomas 1991. On the Threshold: Environmental Changes and Acute
Conflict, International Security, 16/2: 76-116.

The population of the Earth reached 8 billion in 2022. In the coming decades, the use
and depletion of renewable natural resources (arable land, fresh water reserves, forests,
etc.) are going to increase. We have to expect growing gaps between social groups as
well as several social conflicts right down to the level of armed clashes caused by the
scarcity of resources in certain countries. In this book, the author examines the social
conflicts caused by environmental problems in the developing world.


Bela, Györgyi — Pataki, György — Valené Kelemen, Ágnes 2003. Társadalmi részvétel a
környezetpolitikai döntéshozatalban (döntéstámogató eszközök és értékelési eljárások
alkalmazdsa) [Social participation in environmental policy decisions (application of
decision-making tools and evaluation procedures)]. Budapest, BKAE
Kôrnyezettudomänyi Intézet. http:/korny.uni-corvinus.hu/kti/20_szam.pdf

Csete, László — Láng, István 2009. A vidék fenntarthaté fejlédése [Sustainable
development in the countryside]. MTA Történettudományi Intézet — MTA
Társadalomkutató Központ, Budapest.

Farkas, Judit 2018. Leválni a köldökzsinórról. Ökofalvak Magyarországon ISeparating from
the umbilical cord. Ecovillages in Hungary]. Budapest, LHarmattan.

Fekete, Jenő György 2006. Környezetstratégia IEnvironmental strategy]. 2nd revised ed.
Pécs, Pécsi Tudományegyetem Pollack Mihály Műszaki Kar.

Fülöp, Sándor 2018. Környezetjog — Környezeti konfliktusok. [Environmental law —
Environmental conflicts] Budapest, NKE.

Gleick, Peter H. 1990. Environment, Resources, and International Security and Politics.
In Arnett, Erich H. (ed.): Science and International Security: Responding to a Changing
World. Washington D.C., American Association for the Advancement of Science,