OCR Output

Green History? 77

historian become characters. The popularity of cliometric historiography which
aims to present statistical operations was short-lived in the 1970s and 1980s, but
owing to the digital breakthroughs of recent years and easy access to software tools,
ever more studies employ maps and diagrams to visualize textual narratives. Although
the manner of representation and the choice of scale and colors in diagrams are not
neutral processes, these draw the readers further into the interpretations and allow
for the simultaneity of different narratives (Champagne 2016).

As will be seen in the next subchapter, it is exactly the subtler approach to
the role of human activity among the events of the Earth that may revitalize
historical thought.

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Figure 3. Fortepan 15726, Heavy diver on the Danube bank in front of the Obuda
Gas Factory, 1965. Hungarian Defence Association (MHSZ)/Fortepan