OCR Output



given rise to a new discipline for the study of the relationship between humans and
their environment called human ecology." (Mészáros 2010: 17).

" Global ecology is concerned with the general guestions of the relationship between the
Earth and the human being, and their interaction. The issues it looks into in depth
concern the fundamental connections between humanity and the environment: What
changes have people caused on Earth? This is first of all a guestion for the natural
sciences. We must inventory the major changes brought about by humankind. - What
are the social conseguences of these changes? The analysis of this guestion belongs to
the social sciences’ sphere of interest. - What is the social cause for the changes brought
about by humankind? The point is to determine which social forces are at work that
motivate humans to generate or perform the transformations. This issue belongs primarily
to the social sciences. - How could the changes and processes unacceptable for
sustainability be prevented, stopped, altered? Answering this question requires scientific,
technological and social scientific knowledge in all actual cases” (Kiss 2012: 17).

Environment: “The environment is the totality of factors that surround humanity, an
individual or group. The notion of environment therefore includes all aspects that
determine the surroundings of a human being, be they of natural or artificial origin,
or related to social embeddedness.” (Kiss 2012: 11-12).

Religion: “|...] the interpretation of religion as a social phenomenon differs according
to diverse anthropological theories and trends; it is currently seen as a force of cohesion
keeping society together (Durkheim), or as a model of reality surrounding the human
being and of the life to be lived in it (Geertz, Rappaport), or as a means of power to
guilefully maintain the social hierarchy (Bloch), or again, as a theoretical system which
makes human beings’ existential fears bearable (Tylor), or once again, as the projection
of human thinking (Lévi-Strauss, Douglas) or, for that matter, of human desires and
fears (Freud) (Hesz 2014: 220).


o stressed the environmental risks and the importance of promoting eco¬
