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Recommended readings

Robin, Attfield 2018. Environmental Ethics. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University

Robin Attfield traces the origins of environmental ethics as a discipline. He also explores
diverse approaches and discusses different movements such as Deep Ecology, Social
Ecology, the Environmental Justice movement and the Green movement. Finally, he
demonstrates our responsibility for the environment from states and corporations to
the individual.


Bookchin, Murray 1993 [1983]. “What Is Social Ecology?” In Zimmerman, Michael —
Callicott, J. Baird — Sessions, George — Warren, Karen J. — Clark, John (eds.):
Environmental Philosophy: from Animal Rights to Radical Ecology. Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall, 354-373.

Bookchin, Murray 1982. The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of
Hierarchy. Palo Alto, Cheshire Books.

Boylan, Michael 2014. Anthropocentric Versus Biocentric Justifications. In Michael
Boylan (ed.): Environmental Ethics. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 115-118.

Bozóki, András — Siikésd, Mihaly (eds.) 1991. Anarchizmus (Modern ideológiák)
[Anarchism (Modern ideologies)]. Budapest, Századvég.

Brennan, Andrew — Lo, Y. S. 2014. Understanding Environmental Philosophy. London,

Buckingham, Susan 2015. Ecofeminism. In Wright, James D. (ed.): International
Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. (Second Edition). Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Callenbach, Ernest 1975 Ecotopia, Banyan Tree Books.

Carson, Rachel 1962 [1836]. Silent Spring. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1836. Nature. Boston, James Munroe and Company.

Gaard, Greta 2017. Where Is Feminism in the Environmental Humanities? In
Oppermann, Serpil - Iovino, Serenella (eds.): Environmental Humanities. Voices from
the Anthropocene. London, Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd, 81-97.

Gottlieb, Roger S. 1997. Introduction. The Center Cannot Hold. In Gottlieb, Roger S.
(ed.): The Ecological Community. Environmental Challenges for Philosophy, Politics, and
Morality. London, Routledge, ix-xix.

Guha, Ramachandra 2000. Environmentalism. A Global History. New Delhi, Oxford
University Press.

Hardin, Garrett 1968. “The Tragedy of the Commons”. Science 162/3859: 1243-1248.

Hubbel, J. Andrew — Ryan, Jo 2022. Thinking about nature. In Hubbel, J. Andrew —
Ryan, J. (eds.): Introduction to Environmental Humanities. Abingdon — Oxon,
Routledge, 109-128.

Kallhoff, Angela — Paola, Marcello Di — Schérgenhumer, Maria 2018. Introduction. In
Kallhoff, Angela — Paola, Marcello Di — Schérgenhumer, Maria (ed.): Plant Ethics:
Concepts and Applications. London: Routledge, 1-9.

Kirkman, Robert 1997. The Problem of Knowledge in Environmental Thought. In
Gottlieb, Roger S. (ed.): The Ecological Community. Environmental Challenges for
Philosophy, Politics, and Morality. London, Routledge, 193-207.

Leopold, Aldo 1949. A Sand County Almanac: And Sketches Here and There. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

Lovelock, James 1979 Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. Oxford: Oxford University