OCR Output


Ritchie, Hannah — Roser, Max 2019b. Environmental Impacts of Food Production. Our
World in Data. https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impacts-of-food

Schneider, François — Nelson, Anitra 2019. ‘Open localism — on Xue and Vantsinjan IIT.
In Nelson, Anitra — Schneider Francois (eds.): Housing for Degrowth: Principles,
Models, Challenges and Opportunities. London, Routledge, 223-230.

Smith, Adrian — Stenning, Alison — Rochovska, Alena — Swiatek, Dariusz 2008. ‚The
emergence of a Working Poor. Labour markets, Neoliberalisation and diverse eco¬
nomies in post-socialist cities”. Antipode, 40/2: 283-311.

Smith, Richard 2016. Green Capitalism: The God That Failed. Bristol, UK, World
Economics Association Books.

Takacs-Santa Andras 2008. Bioszfera-atalakitäsunk nagy ugrasai. Budapest, LHarmattan.

Thiemann, Louis — Spoor, Max 2019. Beyond the ‘Special Period’: Land Reform,
Supermarkets and the Prospects for Peasant-driven Food Sovereignty in Post-socialist
Cuba (2008-2017). Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne
d'études du développement, 40 (4), 546-563.

van der Ploeg, Jan Douwe 2008. The New Peasantries. Struggles for Autonomy and
Sustainability in an Era of Empire and Globalization. London, Earthscan.

Varga, Mihai 2019. Resistant to Change? Smallholder Response to World Bank-sponsored
„Commercialisation” in Romania and Ukraine. Canadian Journal of Development
Studies / Revue canadienne d études du développement, 40/4: 528-545.

Visser, Oane — Dorondel, Stefan—Jehli ka, Petr - Spoor, Max 2019. Post-socialist small¬
holders: silence, resistance and alternatives. Canadian Journal of Development
Studies / Revue canadienne d études du développement, 40/4: 499-510.

Visser, Oane — Kurakin, Alexander — Nikulin, Alexander 2019. Corporate Social
Responsibility, Coexistence and Contestation: Large Farms’ Changing Responsibilities
vis-a-vis Rural Households in Russia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies /
Revue canadienne détudes du développement, 40/4: 580-599.

Weis, Tony 2007. The Global Food Economy. The Battle for the Future of Farming.
London, Zed Books.

Wezel, Alexander — Bellon, Stephane — Doré, Thierry — Francis, Charles A. — Vallod,
Dominique — David, Christophe 2009. Agroecology as a science, a movement, and a
practice. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29: 503-515. DO1:10.1051/