OCR Output


miftrefs for it, fhe made me lay the money on the table, but as I
faw no more on it, I imagine at her leifure fhe would put it in her

Religion, what art thou ?——but too often a fubftitute

for moral goodnefs !.-~—-— What fhould thou be ?——a penal code:

to vice, and a declaration of reward to virtue.

I now travelled on with my unhorned cattle a little fafter. The-road
paffed through a broad valley, with high hills at fome diftance. Whe¬
ther thefe were of volcanic, or of. neptunic origin, I cannot fay ;;
but about a mile on this fide Cafchau, there is a paltry ftone-quarry,.
and here the rock is a kind of Micaceous Schiflus, where the Greifum.

micaceum, °F Gueifum fornacum axe mixed together.