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of a fibrous texture; but this, in. other parts, is quite evident: it is
fcattered with parallelopipeds of adularia, and, if carefully examined,
a-feyv, particles. of black mica may be feen; . Another kind was much
mofe like jpuinice :: ‘the contorted fibrous texture in this'is here
and there very evident ; it is likewife feattered with a few particles:

of adularia.and black mica with grains of:pellucid guartz?

In one of my excurfions in fearch: of the Telkobanya yellow
Opal; I. met with a vein of jafper, but a jafper approaching to the
pitch-ftone ;.in the middle of a fragment of this, there was a fmall:
piece of the Milt-Opal which had fome degree of Are. This fitua¬
tion agrees with the account of Mr. Fichtel, relative to the. fituation.
of the Telkobanya Opal. ‘In the road to Cafchau there are great
blocks of Petrofilex; or fomething between Petrofilex and.Chalcedony, .

containing great abundance of vegetable petrifactions. I knocked out:
of one of thefe blocks a piece of petrified wood ‘near half a foot long,,

and an inch in diameter; its fibrous texture was very evident,

I only ftaid.a day at Telkobanya, and the evening after my ar¬
rival I left it for Cafchau, which is two ftages diftant; but as no
horfes were to be procured, I was obliged to take up with oxen. I
think there is not a greater fécatura à poor mortal meets with in
this vale of tears, than that of being obliged to travel low when he
wifhes to travel falt; and befides the flownefs of the progreffion of

thefe animals, they indicated by their aétions, that they had views