294 MINERALOGICAL ‘REMARKS my ‘hoft and Cicerone, as he'and fome more gentlemen of the town were going to the county meeting. We made a large party, a whole waggon full ; for this was the vehicle of conveyance. ‘The fabject of converfation on the road weresthe Germans, who had been fettled here by the Emperor Jofeph, againft whom they: raifed great complaints for having negle€ted and mifmanaged the farms which had been given them ; I was hardly fuffered to fay a word in favour 6f German induftry, though my companions acknowledged that againft the German colonies, planted by the emprefs Therefa, they had nothing to fay. On the road I found feveral kinds of Bafaltes, one fo glaffy as to be almoft a pitchflone, and the Saxum metalliferum, but the mica fo fine as to require almoft the aid of a lens’ to be’ vifible; and a Por= phyry * which has the white indurated clay for its bafe ; but this is fo hard as to give fire with fteel.: it contains large grains of pellucid Quartz and Feldfpar, or rather Adularia. This was only a ride of four or five hours ; we pafled by Patax, where the Calvinifts have a college which is only inferior to that of Debretzin, and the ruins of an old fortrefs, which formerly belonged to Rakotfy. ‘Corn, Indian wheat; and potatoes, were the produce of the plain through which we pafled, * Porphyrius. Ex argilla indurata alba, cultro vix rafili facile {cintillanti, particulis parvis amorphis Quartzi pellucidi & parallelopipedis Adulari . I Was 42