MINERALOGICAL REMARKS. 275 Gok, otek ZU ACCOUNT OF FOSSILS-—AND MINERALOGICAL REMARKS. Ar ‘Tokay I had quitted the plain, and entered the hilly country; this continues to the great Carpathian Alps, a diftance of two or three days journey, where I was very anxious to be during the fine feafon, that I might botanize there. Yet, being informed that fome very remarkable foflils had been found in thefe hills, 1 thought it worth while going a little out of my dire& road in queft of them. The 29th of June I left Tokay. The moment I was out of town . I obferved great rocks of bafalt. overhanging the road, and a mile or two further, the Volcanic Zeolite of Mr, Fichtel. This is certainly a very curious foffil, and it as certainly forms rocks: but v ;hether it be voleanie, and, if volcanie, whether it be Zeolite or not ; every one will decide, on the firft queflicn, as he is prepol Hefled i in favour of Plutonte or Nepiuni ic theories ; and on the DE accordi ng to the definition he may give of Zeolite. It formed on the left hand fide of the road a bank, which in fome places was fairly expofed to view. It Nn2 23