OCR Output

TOKAYT, 27%.

in: doubt of what nature I fhould confider this foil to be; and at-a:
lofs-to explain how fo deep and light a foil fhould exift upon fo ra¬
pidly floping a hill. Towards the bottom, facing the river, there.
are fome precipices which throw, I think, confiderable light upon this
matter. Here, in this foft, friable foil, I obferved the-fame ftructure.
I-had often feen in traps and bafaltes, when in an. incipient. ftate
of decompofition—a difpofition to affume rude and irregular prif¬
matic and columnar forms: but a large angular block imbedded in the
foil threw the greateft light upon it: This, though with:-the angular
fhape of a fragment of ftone, differed from the foil only in being a
little darker in colour, and not quite fo friable; yet it might be cut
like cheefe, and it made an effervefcence with acids. From thefe cir¬
cumftances, I am led to confider the foil, as well as the block, to. be ¬

fome kind of trap or bafalt decompofed.

In a.deep ravine, where a narrow road. has.been’ made, I found
the rocks compofed of that kind of Porphyry called by Mr. Werner
Porphyrfchiefer, the Porphyrius /chiftofus of the Syft. N. Lin. * ; though
Mr. Born, in his nineteenth letter to Mr. Ferber, fays, the hill on
which the Tokay wine grows, is Argillaceous Shiftus (Thon/chiefer),

and from: hence infers that the Obfdian found here is not indigenous,

* Porphyrius fchiftofus.

Ex Petrofilice fufca lineis vel ‘venis interruptis tenuibus fubparallelis albidis,
particulis albis Feldfpati, & pellucidis Adulariz.
