OCR Output

266 TOKAY.

ripe, deftroy the connedion between them and the vines, the
Auforuche is harfh and four ; yet frofty mornings, when not too foon,
are advantageous to them: if wet weather fets in at the time they
ought, through the influence of the fun, to lofe their watery parts,
and to be turned to firup, it may eafily be conceived what will be
the confequence. Thele Zroken-beers axe always trifling in quantity
compared with the other grapes ; and in fome years, as I have juft

faid, there are none at all.

The feafon for gathering being come, young and old, with merry
hearts and active hands, repair to the vineyards, and eafe the vines
of their precious loads: but in doing this, the Troken-beers are
picked from the reft, and kept apart; and they are often fold to
thofe who make Au/bruche, by thofe who do not.. The fpoil carried

" home, the ordinary grapes are trod apart, and the juice is taken out,
and then the remaining juice is prefled out from the fkins and falks :
both are commonly put together in. tubs, no difference being ge¬
nerally made between the juice trod out and that prefled : out.
This when fermented forms the common wine; which is not fent
out of the country as a delicacy, and never reaches our ifland. The
Troken-beers ate likewife trod, and then have the confiftency of
honey : to this is added the common juice ; and as the richnef$ of the
Auforuché or Mafcklafs depends on the, greater quantity of ‘the juice
of the Troken-beers, the proportions. vary according to the intent of
the owner. The common proportion for an antal of Aufbruche,
