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fact that I am thinking ít, which will also form the basis of the
intuition itself. “That representation that can be given prior to all
thinking is called intuition.” (Ibid) Representation before thought
is intuition, but that is not relevant now. The concept created by
thinking will be what unites the dividing forces: the concept - say,
“table” - means the object with four legs and a top, as well as the
result in the mind that this is something I can express with the
concept of , table", and from now on it is enough for me say the word
(concept): table. I do not have to point to it and say “look, that is
what I mean.” As a result of the concept, everyone has some idea
of what a “table” generally is. Then what kind of table it is can be
narrowed down: round or rectangular, brown or white, etc. This is
the realm of thought, which in turn models the realm of existence.
This is by all means true in Hegel, since according to him the
concept is capable of metaphysical movement and development.
I make my world: whatever I think, that is thought by me. To
put it another way, the world is constituted, the way the Lady of
Shalott weaves reality through the web of imagination. The Lady
of Shalott is cursed: she is locked in the tower, where she weaves
a web of things she sees in the mirror, as she cannot look out into
the real world. As the verse reads, “But in her web she still delights,
To weave the mirror’s magic sights.” Double mediation: mirror
and fabric. Until the mirror splits, ‘Out flew the web and floated
wide; The mirror crack’d from side to side; “The curse is come
upon me,’ cried The Lady of Shalott.” (Tennyson) Cursed, like
Hegelian philosophy. And yet how much could be learned from it!
Or let us consider one of the best-known quotes: “When I was
a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a
child: but when I became a man, I put away the things of a child.
We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face.
Now I know I part; but then I shall know even as I am known” (1
Cor. 13 11-12, my emphasis) The other manifests in the mirror. For
a child, it is “from color to color,” like perception. Now, according