168 AZ OKTATÁSI SZEKTOR ALKALMAZKODÁSA A DIGITÁLIS TRANSZFORMÁCIÓ .., vativeness, organizational learning, and collaborative culture. By deepening and extending the U[TAUT model (Venkatesh et al., 2003), the research was able to improve the explanatory power of the included elements regarding the frequency of technology use and contrary to previous results, established effort expectancy as one of the most important predictors of intention. In addition to technology use we also explored pedagogical use of specific tools which highlighted the rather replacing (or at least augmenting) effect of technology on teaching practice with usually a passive student involvement according to the PIC-RAT model (Kimmons és mtet al., 2020). The results have provided a comprehensive picture of these issues, including the effects of the pandemic from a time perspective. This allowed us to monitor how and what the system learned from the immediate responses and what it later incorporated into its practice. Although our research did not start out as a longitudinal follow-up study, we were able to incorporate this perspective well with the available data. The process of digital transformation can result in an organisational configuration that is organically linked to the education ecosystem, expanding the possibilities for collaboration, development, and innovation, creating a flexible and agile structure. We hypothesise that adaptation to digital transformation is conducive to the development of learning organisation behaviour, both in terms of individual and group learning, organisational learning, and the connection to the external environment. Of course, digital transformation should not only be thought of in the context of individual educational institutions, but also of the wider educational technology industry whose products and interactions with them have a profound impact on the ecosystem concerned. Our hypothesis is that as the actors in the ecosystem become more advanced in adapting to digital transformation, the more organic the collaboration between actors becomes. However, with new opportunities come new threats that the education system needs to consider (e.g., cyberbullying, security and privacy issues, digital divide, and inequalities). However, there may be other co-benefits of the process that contribute to increasing general literacy and informational awareness, enhancing social participation, improving communication channels, and improving the quality of life through digital citizenship.