Other líterature: Peet, T. E. “The Chronological Problems of the Twentieth Dynasty.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 14, 1928, 66, 70. [89.6] Necropolis journal for year 17°” Recto (B8:2) rnp.t-sp 17 3bd 3 pr.t sw 21 p3 $w n B js.t p3 hr (B8:3) tz r 3 's.t! nfrwt Sps jn p3 Iwdpw! (B8:4) jmj-r3 njw.t Btj H“-m-WR3s.t 8 js.t q3 hr hn’ (B8:5) n3jj=w hwtjw r sjp mw.t nswt hm.t nswt (B8:6) Js.t nh wd3 snb jw=sn wn p3jj=s hr (B8:7) jw=sn gm p3 jnr n m3t jw (B8:8) jr.w p? 8 jB(.w) wSwS.fm 2 (B8:9) mnn.t jw jr.w=w 3qw In! bjn (B8:10) m p3 ntj nb jm jw jrw=w wSws p3 "3 (B8: 11) Twnmj jw' jr[... ...] (89: I) ptr p2 wdpw jmj-r2 pr hd n pr-3 ‘nh wd3 snb jw=f ch‘ jw p3 wdpw dj.t (B9:2) jn 3 n !js.t! Nh-m-mw.t jw=f dd n=fj.dd mj p3 shr mtj (B9:3) 'n! p3 Thr! j.dd n=f bn 'mtj! jwn3 p3 hrj s$ qdw.t jw=f'm! p3 hr hr bn mtj (B9:4) jwn3 t3 dnj.t 2 jw=w m dj.f jw p3 wdpw dd p3 3.w n js.t 2 p3 s$ n p3 hr (B9:5) n3 mtj [...1 "a! p3 hr bn jw rdj.t n—k ps$.t 2 mj-gd m p3 hrw (B9:6) rnp.t-sp 17 3bd 3 pr.t sw 23 hrw Pn tz r sh.t 3.t jn Btj p3 hm ntr tpj (B9:7) wdpw nswt jmj-r3 pr hd Ns-Jmn p3 ss n pr-3 nh wd3 snb r Tssp 83 shn! (B9:8) m p3 hr 3 $ps n hh nTrnp.wt n! pr-3 "nh wd3 snb jw 8 js.t "p3! [Ar] "ar! smj n-sn (B9:9) m-dd.tw.n gb.n jw-n har bn jw hr dj.t n=n n3 htrw rdj.t n=n pr-3 “nh wd? snb (B9: 10) jw Btj p3 hm ntr tpj p2 wdpw jmj-r3 pr hd n pr-” dd m3“.t n3 rmt js.t (B9: 11) js.t p3 hr [...] (B8:2) Year 17, 3rd Peret, 21: the Tomb-workforce was idle. (B8:3) There went up to the Queen’s Valley [‘Place of Noble Beauties’], the Cupbearer, (B8:4) the City-governor and Vizier Khaemwaset, the Tomb-workforce, and (B8:5) their captains, to inspect the King’s Mother and King’s Wife, (B8:6) Isis, L.P.H. They opened up her tomb, (B8:7) They found the stone of red granite, the 8 thieves having (B8:8) broken it up, by (B8:9) the doorway/(?)/plinth(?), they having wrought havoc (B8:10) on everything there. They had broken through the door (B8:11) (at) the right(?), and they [had] made |............ ] [Rest of the line, and of col. 8, are lost.] (B9:1) See, the Cupbearer (wdpw) and Chief Treasurer of Pharaoh stood (there). The Cupbearer (wdpw) caused the (Bg:2) chief workman Nekhemmut to be brought, and said to him, “Tell (us), now, the state of presence(?) (Bg:3) at the Tomb!” He said to him: “Not present at all, is the Chief Draftsman, (as) he is at(?) the Tomb. And not present (Bg:4) either (“at all”) are the 2 registers(?), (as) they are in his possession.” The Cupbearer 5 Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 420-428.