Cerny, J. The Inscriptions of Sinai from Manuscripts of Alan H. Gardiner and T. Eric Peet. Part
II. Translations and Commentary. Oxford University Press, London, 1955, 195.
Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated: Translations. Vol. VI.
Ramesses IV to XI, and Contemporaries. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2012, 31-32.
Cerny, J. The Inscriptions of Sinai from Manuscripts of Alan H. Gardiner and T. Eric Peet. Part
II. Translations and Commentary. Oxford University Press, London, 1955, 195.
Other literature:
Malek, J. “The Royal Butler Hori at Northern Saqqara.” The Journal of Egyptian Archae¬
ology 74, 1988, 134, no. 38.
Peden, A. J. The reign of Ramesses IV. Aris & Phillips, Warminster, 1994b, 28-29.
[82.1] Tomb chapel, Saqqara’’”
Southern part of the western wall of the court
Doorjamb of the southern chapel (left)
(1) [... ...] Ymj-r3] “haw. n nb B.wj Hq3-m3°.t-R-nhh m3—hrw (2) [... ...] [tpj n] pr 3 nh
wd3 snb Hg3-m3".t-R"-nhh m3"-hrw
.......... | [Chamber]lain of the Lord of Both Lands, Hegmare-neheh, justified.
L...], First[.....] of Pharaoh, LPH, Heqmare-neheh, justified.
Doorjamb of the central chapel (right)
(1) L... ...] wb3 nswt n nb B.wj Hg3-m3°.t-R-nhh m3-hrw (2) [... ...] [jmj-r3] Sinw.f n nb B.wj
Hg3-m3“.t-R“-nhh m3°-hrw
[......] Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswt) of the Lord of Both Lands, Heqmare-neheh, justified.
.......... l. [Chamberl]lain of the Lord of Both Lands, Heqmare-neheh'”°, justified.
1075 Translation is after Kitchen, 2014, 220-221.
1076 Kitchen mistakenly translated it is as Hegamare-nakht.