[80] Usermaatresekheper
Ramesses ÍV
[80.1] Stele, Wadi Hammamat No. 12
See above by Nakhtamun on p. 560.
General líterature about the owner:
Schulman, A. R. “The Royal Butler Ramessessami‘on.” Chronique d’Egypte 61, 1986, 195,
n. 5, 200, 201.
Malek, J. “The Royal Butler Hori at Northern Saqgara.” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeol¬
ogy 74, 1988, 135, n. 41.
Schulman, A. R. "The Royal Butler Ramessessami"on. An Addendum.” Chronique d'Égypte
65, 1990, 14, 17.
[$1.1] Stele, Serabit el-Khadim No. 304°”
Side (a)
(I) rnp.t-sp 5 3bd 2 smw |... ... ] (2) wb3 nswt [... … 1 6) fswif.. .. TAL... ] (6) [.. -.. ] (6)
Year 5, 2nd Shomu |... loss ...] Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nsw2), |... loss ...] Royal [Envoy?
... loss ...], [.... large loss ....], favoured and beloved, ........ [... lost ...].
Side (b)
“ms-sw nb "3.wj!
Ramesses IV. Lord of Both Lands, [rest lost].
Text edition:
Gardiner, A. H. — Peet, T. E. The Inscriptions of Sinai, Part I. Introduction and Plates. Egypt
Exploration Fund, London, 1917, LXXVIII
Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1983b, 29.
7” Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 31-32.