OCR Output

and Isis in Koptos, Usimare-nakht, to seek out the materials for (12) the Place of Truth,
in the mountain of Bekhen-stone, when it was discovered that they were really fine, being
great monuments, to marvel at. His Majesty decreed that orders be given to the High
Priest of Amun and Superintendent of Works, (13) Ramesses-nakht, justified, to bring
them to Egypt. The cupbearers (wb3) and officials who accompanied him (were): the
Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswt), Usimare-Sekheper; the Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswt), Nakht¬
amun; the Army-lieutenant, Khamtir; the Chief of the Treasury, Khamtir; (14) the Chief
Taxing-master, Mayor of the City (Thebes), Amenmose; the Chief Taxing-master and
Superintendent of Cattle of the Temple of Usimare Meryamun, Bakenkhons; the Char¬
ioteer of the Residence, Nakhtamun; the Scribe of marshalling (15) of the Army, Sunero;
the Scribe of destribution of the Army, Ramesses-nakht; army-scribes, 20 men; stable¬
masters of the Residence, 20 men; the Chief of Army-administrators(?), Khaemmale;
army-administrators(?), 20 men; chariot-drivers of the (16) chariotry, 50 men; a Superin¬
tendent of Prophets, a Superintendent of Cattle, prophets, scribes and agents, 50 men;
army-personnel, 5000 men; sailors of groups of fishermen of the Residence, (17) 200 men;
“Apiru of the battalions(?) of “Anuit, 800 men; people of the temple (?estate)s of Pharaoh,
2000 men; Deputy-Chief of M(edjayu-militia), 1 man; Medjayu-militia, 50 men. The
Chief craftsman, Nakhtamun; work-superintendents for the quarrying-(18)work, quar¬
rymen, 3 men’, and stonecutters, 130 men’, draftsmen, 2 men; sculptors, 4 men; and
the dead who are omitted from this list, 900. Total: 8368.

(19) There was transported for them the necessary (supplies) from Egypt, in 10 wagons,
with 6 yoke (’spans’) of oxen per wagon pulling them, from Egypt as far as the mountain
of Bekhen-stone. (20) [There were] many [por]ters, laden with loaves of bread, meat and
cakes, beyond counting. There were brought from the Southern City (Thebes) the of¬
ferings to please the gods of heaven and earth, they have been purified with a great
purification, being shouldered by (21) [.....], (and?) being set upon donkeys(?), so that
they might be united (or offered?) as one. Longhorn bulls were slaughtered, shorthorns
were felled, incense was cast in(to) its fire, (reaching up) to heaven; pomegranate-brew
and wine (flowed) like the waterflood; milk and beer were offered in this place. The
lector-priest, his voice pronounced a pure oblation for Min, Horus and Isis, (22) (and
for) [Amun, Mut and Khons], and all the god of this mountain, so that their hearts
might be made glad, when they received their offerings, and respond with myriads of
jubilees for their dear son the King of Southern and Northern Egypt, Lord of Both Lands,

°°” Missing part from the translation of Kitchen.
°°? Missing part from the translation of Kitchen.