OCR Output

[76.11] Ostracon, Cairo, CG 25309°
(1) 'rnp.t-sp 6 3bd" [...] "sw! [... ...] jj n rmtjs.t Jn... ...] (2) [... ...] wdpw nswt Sth-hr-wnm=f

[Year 6, ...... ]; there came the workman Amen]............ l, l............... ], the Royal Cup¬
bearer (wdpw nswt), Sethirwonme ...., [........... |hab; the Scribe Amennakht went ...; [x
went(?) to] Djosret, with the Scribe Amennakht.

Text edition:

Daressy, G. Catalogue général des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Nos. 25001-25385.
Ostraca. Institut francais d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1901, 80, pl. LVI

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1983b, 148.


Helck, W. Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, Papyri und Graffiti von Deir el-Medineh.
Agyptologische Abhandlungen 63. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2002, 400.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated: Translations. Vol. VI.
Ramesses IV to XI, and Contemporaries. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2012, 121.

Daressy, G. Catalogue général des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Nos. 25001-25385.
Ostraca. Institut francais d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1901, 80, pl. LVI

[76.12] Ostracon, Cairo, CG 25251°°

(1) L... ...] (2) Jmn-R° "nswt ntrw! [... ...] (3) wdpw nswt R°-"ms-sw-Sth-hr-wnm=f' [... ...]
(4) s§ Pn-B-wrt [... ..] (5) r rdj.t rh p3jj=k [... ...] (6) r ntj—tw hr [...] Jmn-R" Tf... ...] Mw.t [...
...] (7) "ntew ntrwt Ws.t) [... J

[In the favour of?] Amen-Re, King of the Gods: [............ | the Royal Cupbearer (wdpw
nswt) Ramesses Sethirwonmef [writes to?] the Scribe Pentaweret |......]: [“......... to make
known your |....... ], that one [....]s Amen-Re |....... ], Mut, |....... ], and the gods and

goddesses of Thebes |........... "].

1064 Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 121.
1065 Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 123-124.