OCR Output

Other líterature:

Bruyère, B. Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Médineh (1934-35) IIL. Le village, les décharges
publiques, la station de repos du col de la Vallée des Rois. Fouilles de l’Institut français
d'archéologie orientale du Caire 16,3. Cairo, 1939, 362, fig. 212.

[73-8] Stele, Neuchatel, Eg. 428°

Inscription on the left

[.-- 177 <n> nb.w nhh n Wsjr hrj sdmw.w n wb3 nswt Hrj Nht-Jmn

[...] ascending (to) the lords of eternity, for Osiris, Overseer of Servants of the Royal
Butler (wb3 nswt) Hori, Nekhtamun.

Inscription on the right

[.. … 1] 8 h3s.t(?) mj Smsw Hr n Wsjr hrj sdmw.w n wb3 nswt Hrj Nht-Jmn

[...] the land and foreign country (?) as a follower of Horus, for Osiris, Overseer of Serv¬
ants of the Royal Butler (wb3 nswt) Hori, Nekhtamun.

Middle register

In front of the second lady

[.. … ] PK. t)-Shmt m3“.t-hrw
[...] Baket-Sekhmet, justified.

Lower register

Above the seated couple

(1) "Wsjr! wb3 nswt (2) "Hrj! s3 (3) n 'Pth-m-w73" (4) "Wsjr Hnw.t-mj-R“

Osiris, Royal Butler (wb3 nswt), Hori, son of Ptahemwia, (justified?); Osiris, [Henutmire].

Above the persons in front of the couple

(1) Wsjr (2) "Nht!-Jn (3) s3=f Hrj m3<-hrw> (4) s3=f Hrj m3<-hrw> (5) s3.t=f Nb.t-nb¬
B m3“.t-hrw (6) 83.tf Jb.t-mw.t (7) 93. f L...J-7b (8) 83. fIh

Osiris, N[ekh]tamun; His son, Hori, justified; His son, Hori, justified; His daughter,
Nebt-neb-ta (?); His daughter, labetmut; His daughter, . . . ib; His daughter, Ioh.

‘5 Translation is after Mälek, 1988, 128-129.