OCR Output

Akhet, and for 3rd Akhet; each one, 11 sacks [.........]. (20) Day 20: <Name omitted>;

finishing issuing of rations. Year 2, [znd] Akhet, [x: ........... Rest of Recto is Lost ............. ].


(N... ...] 10 [... ...] 100 [... ...] (2) sw 24 Jmn-m-jp.t h.t 150 m-dr.t P3-ds (3) sw <2>5 Ns-Jmn
(4) sw 26 H“j-m-nwn (5) sw 27 Hrj bj.t mnj 2 nhh r_ mh |... ... ] (6) sw 28 Nfr-htp.w nbr.t 1
wnmj (7) sw 29 Pn-nqt m-dr.t Pth-ms h.t 300 (8) vqjj HG-m-W3st m-dr.t Pth-ms h.t 300 d3.t
150 (9) jw n3 sw ÿj r p3 htm r dj.t nh.w (10) 3.w n 8 js.t m p3 SBw-tj=f rjj.t (11) h.t dnrdnr
7 h.t 950 m-dr.t B3kj<-n>-Hnsw (12) m-dr.t P3-ds h.t 314 (13) 3bd 3 3h.t sw 1 Nht-Mnw m¬
dr.t Pth-ms h.t 155 m 3h.t vqjj (14) m-dr.t P3-ds h.t 155 h.t dnrdnr 7 (15) 3bd 3 3h.t sw 2
Rsw-ptr=fm-dr.t P3-ds h.t 175 md3.t 330 (16) sw 3 Mrjj-R“ psn 24 h.t 160 m-dr.t B3kj-n-Hnsw
(17) sw 4 Ms ds 7 nbr.t 2 h.t 166 m-dr.t P-ds (18) 'sw! 5 P-mdw-nht rmw dbn 1250 m-drt
Hnsw-ms Jmn-hw (19) Hrj rmw 300 Jmn-jn.t rmw "dbn 1100

(x+1) 1....] 10 [..................... ], 100 |................... | [.-trs. ..] [Name lost]. (2) Day 24: Amen¬

emope; wood, 150, from Pades. (3) Day <2>5: Nesiamun. (4) Day 26: Khaemnun. (5) Day

27: Hori; honey, 2 flagons; (sesame)-oil, to (ful)fil [......]. (6) Day 28: Neferhotep; dates,
1 (measure); Right (Side). (7) Day 29: Penanuget; from Ptahmose, wood, 300. (8) Day

30: Khaemwaset; from Ptahmose, wood, 300; deficit, 150. (9) The notables came to the

guardpost, to give generous (10) victuals(?) to the workforce, in the dragging of the .....
(tf 83 ryt). (11) Wood, faggots, 7; wood, 750, from Bakenkhons; (12) from Pades, wood,

314. (13) 3rd, Akhet, 1: Nakhtmin; from Ptahmose, wood, 155 for <x> Akhet, 30; (14) from

Pades, wood, 155; wood, faggots, 7. (15) 3rd, Akhet, 2: Reshpetref; from Pades, wood, 175;
total, 330. (16) Day 3: Meryre; psn-loaves, 24; wood, 160, from Bakenkhons. (17) Day 4:
Mose; 7 beer-jugs; 2 (measures of) dates; wood, 166, from Pades. (18) Day 5: Pamedunakht;
fish, 1,250 deben, from Khonsmose and Amenkhau; (19) Hori; 300 fish; Amenemone,
fish, 1,100 deben.

Text edition:

Cerny, J. Catalogue des ostraca hieratiques non litteraires de Deir el Médineh, N° 1 à 113. Docu¬
ments de fouilles publiés par les membres de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale
3. Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1935a, 12, pls. 34-35.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions. Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1983b, 119-121.