OCR Output

McDowell, A. G. Village Life in Ancient Egypt. Laundry Lists and Love Songs. Oxford Uni¬
versity Press, Oxford, 1999, 233-234.

[73.3] Stele, Deir el-Medina No. 151'°?

Above the king

(1) nb 83.wj "Wsjr-m3.t'-R° stp.n-Jmn (2) "nb hw! R-ms-sw hq3-M3“t

Lord of Both Lands, Usimare Setepenamun, Lord of Crowns, Ramesses IV, True Ruler.
Above the official

(1) "in! ss nswt wdpw nswt Hrj s3 (2) "Pth'-m-wj3 m3“-hrw (3) Tms.n! (4) [Hw.t-Hr m3-hrw
n| 'Ws.t!

By the Royal Scribe and Royal Cupbearer (wdpw nswt), Hori, son of Ptahemwia, justi¬
fied, born of Hathor, justified, of Thebes.

Text edition:

Bruyère, B. Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Médineh (1935-40). Fasc. II. Trouvailles d’objects.
Fouilles de l’Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire 20.2. Institut francais
d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1952, 44, 86, pl. XVII.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1983b, 85.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated: Translations. Vol. VI.
Ramesses IV to XI, and Contemporaries. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2012, 76-77.


Bruyère, B. Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Médineh (1935-40). Fasc. II. Trouvailles d objects.
Fouilles de l’Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire 20.2. Institut francais
d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1952, 44, 86, pl. XVII.

1% Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 76-77.