Un\T-hr-h° m3 -hrw] (3) hd "8b! [m)] "Isqrn! 2 sm“ nfr mss |... ...] (4) 2 Sm“ nfr jdg 2 $m" nfr
mrw 02 sm“ nfr 'sm3w! 2 L[... ...] 5) In“ jfd 1 "hsmn! gbjj |... ...] (6) m s2p.t 1 Yjrd I b3q
ndm hnw! [... ...] 'mn.t! (7) I bj.t mn.t 1 "“d mn.t! 1 smj Tmn.t! [... ...] (8)t 50 sm dr.t 20 sntr
gdfr.t] (9) 10 d.t mn.t 2 'nm>w! [...] (10) h?r 20 ba.t hq3.t 30 w3d.t (1) 50 mhj n "h (12) 200
stj jp.t 2 (13) g.w FT L... ...]
(1) Given as a favour from the King, (namely) Lord of Both Lands, Usimare Setepena¬
mun, Son of Re, Lord of Crowns, Ra[messes IV, True Ruler], Meriamun, (2) by the
Royal Scribe and Royal Cupbearer (wdpw nswt), Ho[ril, justified, to the x-y], the Chief
Workman in the Place of Truth, Anhu[rkawy, justified]: (3) of silver, tjebu-vessels [from
Aslcalon, 2; of thin, good cloth, tunics, [x]; [?of thin, good cloth, kilts], (4) 2; of thin,
good cloth, kerchiefs, 2; of thin, good cloth, sashes/straps, 2; of thin, good cloth, sma¬
garments, 2; [of x-y cloth(?), a garment z,] (5) 1; of smooth cloth, a sheath, 1; of bronze,
gebu-vessels, [x]; lof bronze (?), xy ve]ssels (6) with flowers, 1; arudja-vessels, 1; sweet
moringa-oil, jars, [x]; [x,-y], mnt-flagons, 1; honey, (7) mnt-flagons, 1; (animal) fat, mnt¬
flagons, 1; curds/cream, mnt-flagons, [(x)]; [.......... | (8) t, 50; s’m-plants, handfuls, 20;
incense, lu[mps (?)], (9) 10; olives, mnt-flagons, 2; fenugreek(?), (10) sacks, 20; emmer,
oipe, 30; fresh vegetables, <bundles?> (11) 50; flax, bundles (na“akh), (12) 200; sty, oipe, 2;
(13) large loaves, [x]; [...... 3/4 of line, lost? ......].
Text edition:
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tiania, Leipzig, 1871, 322, No. 988.
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Archaeology 49, 1963, 64-70, pl. IX.
Bierbrier, M. L. Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian Stelae, etc. in the British Museum 10. British
Museum Publications, London, 1982, 24-25.
Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1983b, 83-84.
Janssen, J. J. “An Unusual Donation Stela of the Twentieth Dynasty.” Journal of Egyptian
Archaeology 49, 1963, 64-70, pl. IX.
Peden, A. J. The reign of Ramesses IV. Aris & Phillips, Warminster, 1994b, 100-102.
McDowell, A. G. Village Life in Ancient Egypt. Laundry Lists and Love Songs. Oxford Uni¬
versity Press, Oxford, 1999, 233-234.