General literature about the owner: Schulman, A. R. “The Royal Butler Ramessessami‘on.” Chronique d'Égypte 61, 1986, 187202. Schulman, A. R. “The Royal Butler Ramessessami ‘on. An Addendum.” Chronique d'Égypte 65, 1990, 14. [60] Ptahemwia (II) Ramesses III [60.1] Stele, Stockholm, NME 057"7 Above Amun [-- - Jmn-]!R nswt nir.w nb p.t Amen-Re, King ofthe Gods, Lord of heaven. In front of Amun nb B.wj Wsr-m3“.t-R“ mrj-Jmn Lord of Both Lands. Usimare Meriamun. Above the man (1) [n %3 n] Ihsjj 31 n Imn-R° nswt ntr.w (2) [...] "ss nswr! wdpw nswt (3) [...199 "Pth'-(4) [m-]'wj3" (1) [To the ka of] greatly favoured of Amun-Re, king of the gods, (2) |...] the royal scribe, the royal butler (wdpw nswt) (3) [...], (4) Ptahemwia.'”° Text edition: Mogensen, M. Steles égyptiennes au Musée National de Stockholm. Andr. Fred. Höst et Fils, Copenhagen, 1919, 67. Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions. Historical and Biographical. Vol. V. B. H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1983a, 392. ‘8 Translation is after Kitchen, 2008, 392. ‘29 Kitchen reconstructs here w% “.wj, however, I doubt this reconstruction since the title wdpw nswt never appears with the attribute w% © w/, it only complements the title wb3 nswr. ‘8° Translated by the author.