OCR Output

rnp.t-sp 1 nswt-bjtj B3-n-R“ mrj ntr.w s3 R" Mrj.n-Pth Vhtp.w mrjj! Wsjr
Year I, (of): the King of S & N Egypt, Baienre, beloved of the gods, Son of Re, Merenptah,
beloved of Osiris.

Above Osiris
Wsjr nb nhh
Osiris, Lord of Eternity.

Above the man

(1) j3w n Wsjr (2) jn wb3 nswt wh “.wj (3) n nb B.wj 3 n “.t hnk.t (4) Sps R“-ms-sw-(5)hrw

(1) Praise to Osiris, (2) by the Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswt), pure-handed, (3) of the Lord
of Both Lands, Master of the Department of (wine)-cellars’”, (4) the honourable(?)
Ramesses-(5)heru, justified.

Inscription at base

(1) Wsjr wb3 nswt wb “.wj m MT L...] 2) 3 n “.t hnk.t R“-ms-"sw!-[hrw dd n=f] (3) Pn-"H
dr! [...]

(1) The Osiris, Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswi), pure of hands in the Palace, |........... ], (2)
Master of the (Wine) Cellar, Ramesses[heru, ? called] (3) Penhazuri [....].

Text edition:

Pierre, P. Recueil d'inscriptions inédites du Musée Egyptien du Louvre I. F. Vieweg, Paris, 1874,

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions. Historical and Biographical. Vol. IV. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1982, 102.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated, Translations. Vol. IV. Mer¬
enptah and the Late Nineteenth Dynasty. Blackwell, Oxford, 2003, 80.

Pierre, P. Recueil d'inscriptions inédites du Musée Egyptien du Louvre I. F. Vieweg, Paris, 1874,

‘= Suggested translation for the title: chief of the supplies magazine.