OCR Output

[54] Pentawer

[54.1] Stele, Cairo, TN 12/6/24/17°°

In the lunette

rnp.t-sp I nswt-bjtj B3-n-R“ mrj ntr.w mrjj Wsjr

Year 1 (of): the King of S & N Egypt, Baienre, beloved of the Gods, the beloved of Osiris.

Upper register
Above Osiris


Above the man

(1) j3w n Wsjr sn-(2)t3 n k3=f jn (3) wbh3 nswt wb ©wj (4) Pn-t3-wr (5) m3"-hrw hr nb (6)

(1) Praise to Osiris, paying (2) homage to his spirit by (3) the Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nsw),
pure of hands, (4) Pentaweret, (5) justified before the Lord of veneration.

Lower register

Above Horus


Horus, champion of his father.

Above the three women and a man

(1) sn.t=f nb.t pr=f smGj.t (2) n Jmn Js.t-nfrt m3(.t)-hrw (3) Bj-srjj.t Tr] (4) m3-hrw hr Wsjr
(5) mw.t=f $Smjj.tn Jmn (6) wrtj m3(.t)-Arw (7) 'sn.t=f\ smGj.t n Jmn (8) R3-g"-$" (9) m3".t¬

(1) His sister, his lady ofthe house, Chantress (2) of Amun Istnofret, justified. (3) Stand¬
ard-bearer, Teri, (4) justified before Osiris. (5) His mother, Chantress of Amun (6)
Aurati, justified. (7) His sister, Chantress of Amun, (8) Raqasha, (9) justified.

‘°° Translation is after Kitchen, 2003a, 80-81.