OCR Output

(2) An offering [which the king gives] <to> Ptah, lord of the truth, king of the Two Lands,
whose face is nice, chief of the great place, excellent god, king to eternity, great in power,
(3) [that he may grant] a nice burial after getting old to the ka of the royal wb? clean of
hands, chamberlain, Qema, justified.

(4) The chamberlain, Paraemheb, justified.

Face B (= Face C by Gauthier)

Wsjr hq3 d.t ntr 3 hr-jb 3bdw wsr=f 3w m h.t Nw.t sm3.n hd.t m tp=f sn.tj m-ht=f 3mm.n.f hq3
nh3h3 jtn.f nb t3.wj m shm.w=f d.t

Osiris, ruler of infinity, great god, who is in Abydos, his power is a gift from the body of
Nut, the white crown united with his head, the two uraei are on its front, he took the
scepter and the flail, he took possession of the Two Lands through his might forever.

Face C (= Face D by Gauthier)

Wsjr nb R3-s6w Pth-Sk(r nb) Stjj.t nswt nhh hq3 d.t Wsjr hrj-jb 3bdw jw n=k ntj jm m j3w nt
m h.t hr jrn n=k dt

Osiris, lord of Rosetau, Ptah-Sokar, lord of Shetit, king of eternity, ruler of infinity,
Osiris, who resides in Abydos, may it come to you what is there in the praise (and) what
is in the body concerning what has already been made for you forever.

Face D (= Face B by Gauthier)

Pth nb m3“.t nfr hr hrj s.t wr.t Sk(r)-Wnn-nfr nb Stjj.t Hr nswt hrj-jb B.wj nswt-bjtj hg3 d.t
ntr w“ jr ntj nb nb sm.t hg3 jgr.t

Ptah, lord of truth, whose face is nice, chief of the great place, Sokar-Wenennefer, lord
of Shetit, Horus, king in the Two Lands, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, ruler of infin¬
ity, unique god, who created everyone, lord of the desert, lord of the necropolis.

Text edition:

Piehl, K. “Petites notes de critique et de philology.” Recueil de travaux relatifs 4 la philologie
et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes 1, 1870, 204-205.

Kminek-Szedlo, G. Catalogo di Antichita Egizie. Paravia, Turin, 1895, 173-175. — face A

Gauthier, H. “Un pilier À au Musée du Caire.” Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Égypte

35, 1935, 87-90.